45857, York, Lancaster, CA, 93534
45857, York, Lancaster, CA, 93534
Request info
- Date added: Added 11 months ago
- Category: A
- Type: Single Family Residence
- Status: Closed
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3.00
- Year built: 1987
- MLS #: 23008127
- Days On Market: 19
- Sold Price/SqFt: 277.78
- List Price/SqFt: 277.78
- Bathrooms Full: 2
- Bathrooms Half: 1
- County: Los Angeles
- Original List Price: $455,000
- MLS ID: 20141202164517675979000000
- Directions: 14 Fwy North to Ave H exit Rt off of fwy to Rt on Suffork turn Rt on Regents follow to York Place to address.
Building Details
- Condominium Name: Exclusive Right to Sell
- Parking: Attached
- Compensation Disclaimer: The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.
- UnBranded Virtual Tour: https://click.pstmrk.it/3s/listings.avoh.comsitesyekxvoqunbranded/cUpU/jkuxAQ/AQ/6f57b8c2-f0ce-4664-8530-8ffb817a579f/3/-fM2G47Dg7
Listing Office
- Listing Office ShortId: 4930
- ListingOfficeName: Exclusive Estate Properties
- Listing Office Fax: (661) 526-3854
- Listing Office Address: 3053 Rancho Vista Blvd. #H264, Kenneth C Collins Sr, Palmdale, CA 93551
- Listing Office Url: http://www.eepoffice.com
Amenities & Features
- Features: