05424041002 Frontier Trl, Kernville, CA, 93238
05424041002 Frontier Trl, Kernville, CA, 93238
Request info
There is not an address associated with this parcel. What is reflected is the Parcel# 054-240-41-00-2 which is 1.02 Acres. Zoning is E (1/2). Located in Unincorporated Kern County in the area of Kernville.
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- Directions: EARTH GPS COORDINATES 35.757260,-118.435223
- Listing Terms: Cash
- Compensation Disclaimer: The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.
- CrossStreet: Rodgers Rd
- Zoning: E(1/2)
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- List Office Name: Keller Williams Realty Redlands